Monday, December 21, 2009

Argentina: The Salta Mothership Returns?

Source: Grupo G.A.B.I.E & Diario Popular On-Line
Date: 12.21.2009

The VISION OVNI group disclosed yesterday that “the community of Joaquin V. González in the Province of Salta was shaken by the presence – in broad daylight – of a cigar-shaped object that crossed the skies of this locality.” A mysterious interruption of cell phone service was reported while the phenomenon occurred.

“The phenomenon was recorded on Tuesday the 15th at 17:00 hours and was seen by a considerable segment of the population, which followed the strange device’s maneuvers in astonishment,” said Silvia Pérez Simondini, director of the VISION OVNI group. She also remarked “witnesses interviewed by researcher Tony Galvagno stated that what they saw [on this occasion] was identical to the one seen days earlier, but this time without lights.”

It was also reported that the “VISION OVNI investigator noted that the object was metallic, and that [the town] has been left without utilities yet again. Computers and cell phones are inoperative. With regard to the latter, the Personal mobile telephony company was contacted. No technical explanation was offered on the event, increasing the mystery of the strange phenomenon.”


(Translation (c) 2009, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Grupo G.A.B.I.E and VISION OVNI)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Spain: Andalusia's UFO History On Line

Andalusia's UFO History on Line

Our friend and colleague Jose Manuel Garcia Bautista has returned to the field UFO and paranormal research with a new and noteworthy project: Ufología Histórica ( in which he endeavors to summarize southern Spain's extensive annals of UFO contact and supernatural experiences in a site that is easily accessible for anyone with an Internet connection and a desire to learn more about mysteries in this part of Spain. PDF files on particular cases are presented alongside audio interviews with luminaries of the field, such as Antonio Petit, Julio Marvizon and Helio Contreras.

José Manuel writes: "What do we mean by Ufologia Historica? Many readers and internauts visiting the site will have the same question. It is a slice of history devoted to the enigma of the unidentified flying objects, the so-called mystery of the 20th century, and the series of pioneers who took care to track, research and disclose all matters related to it. This was the first generation of UFO researchers, of people willing to invest a great deal of time, effort and money to pursue the enigma in the skies. They left behind hours of research, interview, dialogues, reflections, chats and thosuands of documents that would have been lost if a compilation and maintenance effort had not been undertaken. Today, we make available to you many of these pioneering documents: a slice of our history and as well as a slice of UFO history in our Andalusia."

The Iberian Peninsula's Andalusia region has contributed some of Europe's most intriguing UFO cases, including Aznalcollar case (a mass CE-3 event), incidents at the Coto de Doñana Wilderness Preserve, and an interminable history of strange craft entering and exiting coastal waters near Cádiz, Algeciras and other cities. Salvador Freixedo and Manuel Osuna -- one of the pioneers featured on the site -- once collaborated on a project documenting this wealth of case histories, and it would have been called Sesenta Casos de Ovnis (Sixty UFO Cases) but the typescript was conveniently lost by a publisher. Jose Manuel García Bautista's efforts will finally give us a glimpse into some of those bizarre events.

Colombia: College Photographer Captures Phantom UFO

From: & Planeta UFO
Date: 12.19.09

Colombia: College Photographer Captures Phantom UFO

The presence of "phantom" or "invisible" UFOs in digital photographs (and some analog ones, too) is a persistent and annoying situation. And a polarizing one, too. Many either embrace these objects as proof of the otherworldly or reject them outright as proof of the photographer's ineptitude. But Guillermo Gimenez of Planeta UFO has kindly sent us an article from the Chilean on-line newspaper that suggests that even college campuses are being plagued by the pesky "invisibles".

Juan Gabriel Sutachán, a graphics designer with Colombia's prestigious Universidad de los Andes, more specifically its School fo Sciences, was taking photos of the campus for a college fair and at no time saw the strange object, which subsequently appears flying over the School of Economics building of this academic institutuion.

"What I find truly curious is that I wasn't aware of the object while taking the photos. In fact, none of us present at the time ever noticed it, despite the fact that it was a particularly sunny and clear day. It was only when we downloaded the images to the computer that we noticed it," says Sutachán.

The "phantom UFO" depicted in this latest case shows a saucer-shaped form that emits a whitish-pink wake. The sequence of images was presented to Prof. Carlos Hernández of the Physics Department "As a rule, we physicists are very skeptical when dealing with such subjects, as we consider that there is always a logical and scientifically provable reason to explain any phenomenon. However, despite the fact that the image recorded its very curious, we will have to engage in a more thorough analysis before being able to say what it is."

Alas, the link at does not provide a copy of these images.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Argentina: Another Cattle Mutilation?

Luis Burgos writes: "During the first days of the month of December, a spate of strange animal deaths occured in a field bordering that of Angel Gatti, where 45 unknown prints were found, and which were investigated at the time. In this instance, a total of 10 animals (7 calves and 3 cows) experienced mysterious and precise incisions, especially around the udders. Unfortunately, the owner of the field, fearful of visits by curiosity-seekers and media, decided to set the carcasses on fire and blame the deaths on local dogs. This is the only version of the event that reached the ears of police authorities in [the town of] Bartolomé Bravo, who faced with the circumstances, nonetheless remain on alert together with FAO correspondents in the region."

(Translation (c) 2009, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez)

Chile: UFO Captured on Video


Our friends at NOUFA (Noticiario Ufológico Autónomo) have posted a video from Raul Gajardo Lepold, a long-time researcher whose work has been featured in Inexplicata in the past. The video shows an unusual light in the clear night sky over Angol on December 3, 2009. Mr. Gajardo was the researcher involved in the Angol CE-3 event of 2001, and this Chilean coastal city has been a hot-spot for unidentifed objects and strange entities for generations.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Thoughts on the Aguas Prietas "Contactee"

I usually have a rather jaundiced view of UFO “contactee” claims, regardless of the country in which the claim is made, but there’s something about the story told by Prof. Rodolfo Paredes (in the report provided by Prof. Ana Luisa Cid) that triggered a recollection. Whether or not Paredes is really in contact with “beings from Jupiter” is debatable, but the fact that they endeavor to make contact through his radio signal – it is unclear if Prof. Cid meant a “ham radio” frequency or something else – is very interesting. In the late 1970s, Puerto Rican UFO researcher Orlando Rimax played a recording of an alleged alien transmission on his Otros Mundos broadcast, which aired every Sunday morning in the city of San Juan. The recording could have been a hoax, naturally, but the heavily distorted voice of a being calling itself “Omicron” was definitely disturbing. It had a quality often associated with recorded sounds involving hauntings and paranormal goings-on, even though the entity professed an interplanetary origin, and they always do.

Back in 2003 I penned an article entitled “Spirit of the Radio” in which I discussed these broadcasts from allegedly non-human sources:

“The purported space entity [meaning Omicron, from Rimax’s 1977 radio program] had been picked up by a ham radio operation and it seemed to be taking a great deal of time establishing its non-human bona fides. Intrusions such as this one appear to be frequent in contactee circles; they are often dismissed as hoaxes, but they are nonetheless intriguing. In the latest reissue of George Hunt Williamson's classic contactee work "Other Flesh, Other Voices", UFO author and publisher Timothy Green Beckley makes the interesting note that Williamson was a ham operator "who claimed contact with extraterrestrial beings who were
continually broadcasting messages from spaceships circling in the Earth's uppermost atmosphere.

Alleged TV and Radio Broadcasts from Space, an Internet document written by Jon Hurst, provides transatlantic equivalents to incidents similar to the "Omicron" transmission. In January 1971, a call-in show on Greater London Radio received a call from "a cold, metallic voice" claiming an extraterrestrial origin. The voice, which did not give itself a name, said it was "speaking by thought?transference guided by computer" and imparted the usual patter about the difficulties of life on Earth and humanity's unwillingness to forsake its primitive ways. When asked by the program's host if it was possible to humans to see the interstellar interlocutor, it replied that it was "possible to assume human appearance" for a specific number of minutes.

“The ubiquitous Ashtar Command, a source of "space brother" wisdom for many decades, apparently transcended wireless to appear on the small screen. The Command hijacked a number of transmitters belonging to the Southern ITV network at 5:12 p.m. on November 26, 1977, broadcasting its message directly over a news broadcast. The network appears to have been unaware of the problem at the time, or completely unable to correct it. "Possibly," writes Hurst, "this was because the source of the overriding signal was not terrestrial in nature."

“The message went on for a little over five minutes, and contained a familiar warning: "We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disasters which threaten your world, and the beings on our worlds around you. This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments."

Putting the New Age aside for a moment, it is nonetheless interesting that radio is somehow permeable to these entities. It remains to be seen if contemporary means of communication (iPhones, Blackberries, cell phones) are equally prone to manipulation.

One of the most intriguing on-going situations in South American ufology involves the activities of a group calling itself “Friendship”, hailing from one of the many islands of the Chonos Archipelago and variously associated with UFO aliens, interdimensional beings, holdovers from Nazi Germany and meddlesome CIA agents, depending on who’s writing the article. In 1984, a ham radio operator of by the name of Octavio Ortiz, a married resident of Santiago de Chile and proud owner of a 27 megacycle CB base station with which he talks to DXers all over the world, became the protagonist of a drama that unfolds to this very day. That year, Ortiz received a distress call from a vessel that claimed to be ensnared by a mysterious light that was playing havoc with the ship's electronics. The light--an unknown craft--descended even lower over the vessel. Bewildered, Ortiz offered to retransmit messages to the authorities of the port of Iquique on behalf of the ship's master.

As a result of this, Ortiz struck up a friendship with the ship's master, a man named Alberto, who told him that he had been recruited by mysterious "gringos" to ferry equipment and supplies to their mysterious island. These elusive northerners described themselves as a "congregation" and dubbed themselves and their island "Friendship".

Octavio Ortiz would eventually have the chance to speak directly over his ham radio with one "Ariel", one of the strange members of the Friendship. In an interview with Spanish journalist and broadcaster Josep Guijarro, Ortiz explained that whenever "Ariel" speaks to him over the ham radio, the needles on his equipment jump, indicating that a transmitter of enormous power is being employed. Nor is Ortiz the only one to speak with this entity: his wife Cristina boldly asked "Ariel" where he and his group came from. The voice replied that they were "not of this world, but belonged to Humankind."

In August 1985, little over a year since Ortiz relayed the message from the vessel besieged by the strange craft, a shining object appeared in the early afternoon over their home in Santiago. According to their testimony, a voice on the ham radio bade them to "Come out! come out!" After doing so and talking to "Ariel" on the ham radio, they realized that the UFO was an object remotely controlled by the mysterious Friendship.

According to Guijarro, renowned ufologist Jorge E. Anfruns made note of a highly important detail: "Some of the ham operators were phoning the newspapers to report interference with their sophisticated equipment." Proof that strange cabal actually controlled the saucer? The Ortiz family believes that the object was not remotely controlled, but that their friend "Ariel" was actually aboard it.

More could be said about this bizarre sect of humans who possess advanced technology or aliens who claim some sort of kinship with our species, but it goes far beyond the scope of this article. Suffice it to say that the Chilean Navy appears to have been aware for many years of the radio interference and problems caused by the strange objects operating in the vicinity of the Chonos islands. Josep Guijarro received a letter from a man who served five years in at a naval radio station in Puerto Montt, stating: "We were sick of these devils, who often jammed our communications with immensely powerful high-tech distorting equipment, which on occasions even produced invisible barriers surrounding all of the Taitao Peninsula and left all boats, including the Navy, bereft of communications."

Delving further into the highly complex “Friendship” situation takes us away from the original issue: are non-humans presently reaching out to a Mexican “contactee” through radio, as Prof. Cid’s report suggests? Until further information is received from Rafael Oceguera, who is currently researching and documenting the case, this question remains open.

Argentina: The "Mothership" Corroborated?

The blackout created by the alleged transit of a "mothership" over the northern Argentinean province of Salta can fairly be considered the most important UFO news story to emerge from that country this year. Corroboration for the "mothership"'s presence may have been found in a curious photograph analyzed by Jorge Luis Figueiras of the Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogia, and which we share with readers of Inexplicata.

Luis Burgos of FAO reports: "Our correspondent in the town of Comandante Luis Piedrabuena, in the province of Santa Cruz, has sent us an exceptional document showing a mothership that flew over the outskirts of that southern locality of our country. This "phantom UFO" was picked up by resident Jose Acosta as he took photos of his property, located 15 kilometers west of Piedrabuena and in the vicinity of the Santa Cruz River, at 1600 hours on November 24, 2009. The image shows a spindle-shaped object.

"According to calculations made by our analyst, Jorge Luis Figueiras, the object is at a distance of 7 kilometers and is among the typical cloud formations of the country, having an approximate altitude of 4000 meters. This gives the alleged airship a length of between 80 and 100 meters.

"What is truly significant, beyond the luminosity of its structure, is that it remained practically static between photographs 451 to 459, with a duration of 2 minutes and 29 seconds, before it "vanished" amazingly in the next two minutes!

"Conclusion: Either it sped away at a prodigious rate of speed or it became "invisible"...either way, it was no longer in the following photographs."

(Translation (c) 2009, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Luis Burgos and Jorge Luis Figueiras (FAO) and Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO)

Mexico: UFO over Tepexpan

Inexplicata Contributing Editor Ana Luisa Cid has sent us the following information as well (my apologies to her for having overlooked it!):

"A recording by Ing. Victor Gonzalez in Tepexpan (Mexico State). The witness states that the was walking along the street when he became aware of a very strange glow in the sky. He was unable to stop for a look, as he had to pick up his son from school.

"Later,he took the boy to his mother-in-law's house, as he does every day, and returned to his workship. To his surprise, the object remained in the same spot. He then notified his father to set up a telescope (Polarex 75mm).

"He made a recording through his telescope on Monday, November 9, 2009 at 14:30 hours. Victor claims that the object remained visible for an hour -- between 2 to 3 in the afternoon.

"At this site, the same witness has recorded an alleged UFO the previous week."

November 9th video:

November 2nd video:

Profra. Ana Luisa Cid

Mexico: UFO over Agua Prieta, Sonora

Contributing editor Ana Luisa Cid writes: "[The object in question] is a luminous one that splits in two and almost immediately reforms itself. It later vanished fromt he sky. The witness, aside from having nearly 50 hours of video, claims to be in contact with beings from Jupiter, and that they have even left messages on his radio signal."

"The case is under investigation by Dr. Rafael Oceguera, director of the Enigma 900 group. I presented the video materials on December 4th in the "La Sobremesa" program, which airs on Channel 28."


Ana Luisa Cid

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Brazil: A UFO Over Bahía

Contributing Editor Ana Luisa Cid writes:

"This photo was sent to me by Eli da Conceição Santos. She tells me it was taken by a friend of hers in early October 2009 on the road to Bahía (Brazil). The witness stopped the car to take photos of the landscape, but the camera kept shutting off. Three attemtps were made, all of them unsuccessful. She resumed her journey.

"Upon returning home, she was amazed to see that a photo had in fact been taken of the landscape, displaying a yellow object in the sky.

"Everything points to the image being genuine, perhaps even a "chance" UFO, until its nature can be determined by an analysis of the original."

Many thanks to Ana Luisa for providing us with this photo!

Monday, November 30, 2009

UFO Crashes and Blackouts in Northern Argentina

UFO Crashes and Blackouts in Northern Argentina
By Scott Corrales

Google Earth is one of those Internet-age novelties that have made the world smaller and more accessible for the armchair explorer, relegating the old atlas and travel guide to the bookcase. Typing in a few words will take you to places that you’re unlikely to see in a lifetime, or even in many lifetimes (ninety per cent of us are tied to our jobs!). This surely applies to the vast spaces of Northern Argentina, where satellite images present the viewer with lonely roads, the odd farmstead, endless cultivated fields or wilderness areas bordering the vast and unforgiving Andean Cordillera and its tributary mountain chains. These brown, black, grey and sometimes green spaces are relegated by human cartography as brightly colored provinces with names that do not quite connect to the barren landscape – Jujuy, Salta, Tucumán – and towns whose nomenclature ranges from native toponyms to those of brave settlers who gambled their lives in colonizing the area.

This strange land is made stranger by the disquieting presence of the unexplained.

In August 1957, less than twenty kilometers from the town of Quilino, Province of Cordoba, a serviceman with the Argentinean Air Force heard a very loud and acute buzzing sound. He got out of his tent to take a look and was startled to see a disk-shaped object coming in for a landing, causing a whirlwind that shook surrounding trees and grass. Frightened, the airman reached for his sidearm but was unable to draw it. “It appeared to be welded to its holster,” he would later say. A voice issued from the unknown craft, assuaging his fear and informing him “interplanetary visitors already had a base in the region of Salta” and would soon make their presence known all over the world.

Readers of Coral Lorenzen’s 1960s books on the UFO phenomenon were exposed to the case histories that were being collected in these early, memorable years. Cities like Salta became known to readers not just for “flying saucer” sightings, but for mysterious disappearances as well, much like the small towns of La Pampa would become familiar names to readers of the ‘90s and the ‘00s, especially those interested in cattle mutilations. Gordon Creighton’s Flying Saucer Review presented even more detailed accounts of high strangeness in Argentina: giant multi-eyed entities emerging from glowing saucers, a family trapped in their farmhouse by six heat-ray emitting UFOs, the heroic escape of truck driver Eugenio Douglass from twelve-foot tall helmeted aliens--matching their heat-rays with bullets--and the abduction of Dionisio Llanca, with its startling posthypnotic command implanted by the UFO entities. Argentinean investigators, while little-known in the United States, have distinguished themselves for their scholarship in Latin American ufology: Guillermo Roncoroni, for instance, conducted the first statistical analysis of the myriad cases that have made Argentina famous, thus compiling ARGENCAT, which aided in proving that the BAVIC line indeed had as much influence over Argentina as it did in Spain or France. He went on to publish UFO Express, which was considered for years to be one of the most important journals available on the subject in Spanish.

When Objects Fall From The Sky

Reports on UFO crashes make two demands from the reader, the first being a belief in extraterrestrials engaged in visiting Sol 3 for reasons that we cannot possibly imagine, and the other being that their technology is vulnerable to our own. Both beliefs must be in abundance, to judge by public interest in the Roswell Incident. Perhaps there’s room at the table for believing in another, even more spectacular affair: the 1995 crash near Metán.

According to researcher Guillermo Aldunati, an object fell from the sky on the sunny afternoon of either the 17th or 18th of August, 1995 near the mountain known as El Crestón, neighboring the city of Metán. His report suggested that “thousands of people” had witnessed the UFOs maneuvers, and that it had apparently been shot down “by air-to-air missiles” from another, unknown type of aircraft, described as being triangular in shape (an F-117 Stealth fighter?)

“ Hours later,” read Mr. Aldunati’s report “ a small private plane flew over the crash site and it too fell to the ground. The pilot later said that source of electromagnetic energy caused his plane to crash.” Although his name was not featured in the initial communication, the pilot in question was crop-duster Antonio Galvagno, whose experience and near-collision as a result of this incident led him to become a valuable member of the Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía, and his name has been mentioned prominently in reports on the 2009 incident involving a UFO “mothership” flying over the city of Joaquin V. Gonzalez.

The fact remains that something happened near Metán, and that an effort was made to cover it up. The landscape displayed clear signs of the impact of an object that had been dragged for many kilometers, leaving a wide, burned scar on the ground, which allegedly remains cordoned off to this very day. The force of this impact was such that seismometers were set in motion some ninety miles away.

Government agencies responded to the collision as any official authority would, sending out rescue and recovery teams from the town of Rosario de Lerma in the belief that badly injured survivors would be found from an object that “exploded in mid-air”— according to the residents of small communities who excitedly described the incident, the deafening explosion and the resulting earthquake sensation.

The rescue and recovery team, led by Pedro Olivera, reached the foothills of 9000-foot El Crestón and found the ruined landscape of charred vegetation and blackened rocks. If newspaper accounts are to be trusted, a metallic object was at the center of the ruined terrain (whether an alien probe or terrestrial rocket booster was never established). Olivera’s team reported their finding and was inexplicably told to abort their mission and return home.

In subsequent days, local residents reportedly witnessed all terrain vehicles driven by “English-speaking personnel” heading toward the crash site. An anonymous report from an employee of the Universidad Nacional de Salta claimed that the foreign personnel was escorted by University personnel and technicians from a local nuclear power plant (not mentioned, but possibly the CNEA conversion plant at Pilcaniyeu near Bariloche or the Canadian-built Embalse plant in Córdoba)

The unnamed source made a further claim that hearkened Roswell: the outsiders had recovered pieces of material – slivers of a material resembling aluminum that “assumed a concave shape when joined” with an “an unusual consistency” – and that orders were given to characterize the event as an meteorite impact, displaying the appropriate chunks of rock to the media. On September 1, 1995, journalist Raúl Córdoba stated his belief that “NASA personnel” had visited Northern Argentina in an effort to conceal the truth, finding willing cat’s-paws in the administration of the Universidad Nacional de Salta.

Parallels were soon drawn with the 1979 crash near the Bolivian city of Tarija, which received coverage in the UFO press, both national and overseas. But only a year early, the sleepy community of Villa Mercedes had experienced its own brush with the unknown, jamming the switchboard of the local radio station with calls reporting “a procession” of fifty UFOs across the night skies in May of that year. Broadcaster Otto Gall was able to see the wedge-shaped formation of blue-green objects between 22:15 hours and midnight.

According to a sergeant at the Villa Reynolds airfield, not far from Villa Mercedes, the objects traveled at approximately fifteen thousand feet and resembled oval-shaped craft without any signs of portholes, and making no noise whatsoever. Argentinean “ham” operators were able to monitor communications from Chile, across the majestic Andes, announcing that a massive fleet of “platillos voladores” had just penetrated their airspace

Allegations of a UFO crash also followed in the wake of this 1978 incident. A tremendous explosion, suggesting a ground impact, prompted the National Gendarmerie to send out forces to comb the region that includes the communities of Las Pavas, Baritú and Los Toldos in the hopes of finding whatever it was that had fallen out of the night skies.

Newspaper stories claimed that the unknown object had fallen to the bottom of a ravine known as Bolsón de los Fantasmas near the community of Santa Victoria – information that was corrected by military sources, who indicated that the collision had occurred near the town of Orán. The Argentinean military conducted a fruitless search along the Bolivian border, only to learn that the Bolivians were also looking for another downed object.

In the words of UFO researcher Mercedes Casas, based in Salta, Argentina “Ever since the famous 1978 crash on the border between Bolivia and the province of Salta, UFO activity never ceased in the Tarija region. Reports of nocturnal lights moving in odd patterns – zigzags rather than straight lines – continued for months after the crash when everything had ostensibly quieted down. There is a tremendous influx of Bolivians into Salta, looking for better opportunities,” she continues. “They all have stories to tell involving bizarre nocturnal lights, particularly those hailing from the rural areas.”

A History of Blackouts

One of the most fascinating and disturbing aspects of UFO activity in Latin America, from Mexico down to Tierra del Fuego, is the effect of unidentified craft on the power grid. Entire cities have witnessed strange objects over their streets before blackouts, and others have written detailed reports on their impact on specific power stations. One of the most important characteristics of the November 2009 incident at Joaquin V. Gonzalez centers around the electromagnetic effect exerted by the cigar-shaped “mothership” over a turbine at the El Tunal power station and a number of light posts along a highway – spaced at regular intervals on a road that appears to have visited by the enigmatic object.

This “EM Effect” can be traced back to cases 40 years in the past. Argentinean author Roberto Banchs mentions the July 4, 1968 blackout that darkened the entire sector of Tigre (province of Buenos Aires). During this incident, a number of witnesses reported seeing a UFO. A woman named Isabel Gómez stated that the object "seemed to emit light. It was the only lighted object at the time." The unknown object was reported at 2300 hours that evening, and described as a “large, splendid source of light”.

A few months later, the city of Chascomús was plunged into darkness. Mrs. Blanca Davis witnessed a UFO measuring some 7 or 8 meters in diameter hanging motionless in the air, directly above the town square. "When we looked toward the west," she reported, "we saw two [more] discs and another one which gave the impression of being ready to land. Suddenly the UFOs headed toward the lagoon area, from which twenty more objects appeared, flying from north to south at fantastic speeds." Banchs reports that electricity was restored the moment the objects disappeared.

Not even majestic Buenos Aires was spared these sudden power failures. On December 26, 1965, the city and all of its suburbs in a 40-mile radius were left in the dark. Hours turned into days before service was restored – even as the country experienced one of the great UFO flaps of the decade.

In 1974, it was the city of Cordoba’s turn to light candles as unidentified flying objects flew overhead. Marcelo Lublinksy, a correspondent for the defunct CEFAI research organization, reported that a 30 minute, city-wide blackout had taken place on the 16th of October even as people reported having seen luminous objects flying overhead toward the northeast. “The electric company reports that no defects were found in its equipment.”

Back to the Present

Early on November 26, 2009, while Northern Argentina endured the rigors of an unusually hot summer for the Southern Hemisphere, people either tossed and turned in their beds, waiting for the expected relief of a thunderstorm that would never come in the end, while others sought relief in the open air, whether from eating frozen desserts or simply sitting at outdoor restaurants open at that late hour. This, at least, was the scene in the community of Joaquin V. Gonzalez (Lat. 25.0833, Long. 64.1833), named after the famous Argentinean educator. Most reports coincide on 0200 hours as the time when over a hundred witnesses, at last count, were treated to the awe-inspiring sight of an otherworldly object, described in newspaper articles as “a strange, gigantic luminous creature, elongated and weightless” embarking on a precise trajectory toward the hydroelectric power station at El Tunal on the Juramento River, twenty-one miles distant toward the southeast, part of the massive Cabra Corral system, perhaps the most important in the Argentinean Northwest. The object made flew over the bemused onlookers, making intermittent flashes of light and with a fixed red beacon on its forward structure.The unknown visitor faded away into the darkness and within minutes – some say five, others fifteen – the entire region surrounding Joaquin V. Gonzalez and its soybean farms was left dark, a sure sign that the object had reached El Tunal. Power would not be restored for another nine hours, and other services had also been affected, such as vital phone service to this remote community.EDESA, owner of the 132 kV Cabra Corral system, confirmed the lack of electricity only minutes after the blackout, adding that it was impossible to find the failure, which had occurred at the main power station located at El Tunal. The problem? “A burned-out generator”

According to UFO researcher Luis Burgos “the blackout occurred some fifteen or twenty minutes after the object was sighted over Joaquin V. Gonzalez, and right when it hovered over the generating plant at El Tunal.” To Burgos, the protagonist of yesterday’s episode was “what we call a mothership, a sort of space aircraft carrier measuring no less than 200-300 meters long, and which usually issues smaller UFOs measuring between 8 and 10 meters in size, which later return to the [mothership].”

This will be neither the last nor most spectacular incident involving unknown craft in this part of the world. Only time will tell.

Argentina: Another Photo from Lanús

INFOBAE de Buenos Aires has published another image of the unidentified object photographed during a religious event in the suburb of Lanús.

Argentina: UFO Recorded Over Lanús

Source:Fuente: 26 Noticias
Date: 11.29.2009

Argentina: UFO Filmed During Religious Ceremony in Lanús

A couple from Lanús recorded the transit of an unidentified flying object (UFO) while a religious ceremony was being held at this Buenos Aires district.

A morning paper reported today that on November 7 [2009], when the tenth anniversary of the manifestations of the Virgin Mary were being conmemorated at a town square in Lanús, a teenager witnessed the slow transit of the craft, while dozens of participants in the ceremony looked on.

It was then that Julio Guillermo Farkas and Adriana Cetroli recorded images of the object on their camcorder. Once the object had gone, Farkas and Cetroli provided details of the event to researchers Daniel Valverdi and Jorge Marrón from the prestigious Código Ovni group.

(Translation (c) 2009, S. Corrales IHU, special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO)

Chile: UFO Reported Over Iquique (with video)

Source: La Estrella de Iquique
Date: Saturday, November 28, 2009

Chile: UFO Reported Over Iquique

(Video) The strange body remained suspended and motionless for several minutes before moving in a south to north direction.

The manifestation of an unidentified flying object (UFO) in the skies over Iquique was a source of consternation this afternoon.

The unusual event was noted after 18:00 hours today, when a group of workers at the harbor became aware of an object moving over Cerro Esmeralda. They immediately alerted journalists from La Estrella de Iquique, who corroborated the presence of the figure in the city’s skies.

Cylindrical and white, green at its core and purple at its base, the odd structure remained static for several minutes, then engaging in a south-to-north direction.

The object displayed bright colors at times. While spectators tried to explain that this was due to the sun’s reflections, many speculated that this was on account of the object’s movements.

After half an hour of flight, the UFO lost itself among the afternoon clouds.

While it was not possible to determine the size or altitude of the UFO, some observers believed it to be above the 2000-meter mark.

When experts with the Dirección General de Aeronautica Civil (Civil Aeronautics Office, or DGAC) were consulted, they dismissed outright any reports of flying objects over the area.

Hector Correa, director of the Diego Aracena Airport, stated: “We have no reports on aerostats or objects at the indicated place and time.”

The expert added: “We have control over anything that flies, and we have no records of it at this time.” He insisted that they even have up-to-the-minute records of meteorological devices or military craft flying over the area.

Mario Pizarro, a member of the Chilean UFO research group, upon seeing the images picked up by La Estrella, confirmed that the object belongs to the category of “Paracaidistas” (parachutists), alluding to a series of bodies detected in the Colina Sector of the nation’s central region in 1999. He explained that during that year, a fleet of UFOs having similar characteristics was reported near a military airfield.

Pizarro explained that the “Paracaidistas” are polyuniform UFOS – that is to say, they change shape according to their movements in the air. He added that it is even possible to see nozzles or propulsion elements in the lower part of the object. Pizarro remarked that manifestations of these objects are cyclical.
He was already alerted to the presence of UFOs in Huayquique and strange objects over Alto Hospicio yesterday.

Mario Pizarro dismissed the possibility that weather balloons or aerostats were involved, as these are launched from Antofagasta and traveling eastward. He even theorized that the UFO moved at over 500 kilometers an hour, at an altitude of 5000 to 7000 meters.


(Translation (c) 2009, S. Corrales IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Salta UFO Update (7:38 am, 11.28.09)

The following information was just received from Luis Burgos, director of the Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogia (FAO):

1) The number of witnesses to the event now surpasses one hundred.
2) All of them agree that the object was "cigar-shaped", was self-luminous and of considerable size.
3) No photos or videos are known to exist AS OF YET.
4) 40 kilometers from town, a row of 5 low voltage street lights were found completely carbonized in their upper section, their wires burned and shorted out. The light posts have 35 meters (114 feet) of separation between them, which suggests that the element causing the situation acted over a strip of no less than 140 meters (1500 feet) across.

Many thanks to Luis and the members of FAO for the update!

Salta and the 1995 “UFO Crash”

It’s very hard to impress upon readers the level of UFO and high-strangeness activity that has characterized the Salta region for over half a century. A cursory glance at any of the maps provided with the news items provided with the most recent UFO blackout of Joaquin V. Gonzalez and its environs will reveal the names of adjacent communities that have appeared again and again in connection with the phenomenon: cattle mutilations, monsters, ghosts, UFO sightings, landings and contact experiences, human disappearances...far from being merely a “hot-spot” or a “flap area”, the province of Salta is a place where the line between the mundane and the extramundane has been permanently blurred.

In 1997 I wrote an article with information kindly provided by researcher Guillermo Aldunati concerning UFO activity in this region, and particularly an incident that is referred to (as recently as this week, in relation to the blackouts) as the “Argentinean Roswell”, as one of the incident’s protagonists has gone on to become a respected researcher in his own right, and a key member of the FAO organization. You have seen his name mentioned in these dispatches: Antonio Galvagno.

On August 17, 1995, Mr. Galvagno was having lunch with his wife at a quarter to two in the afternoon when a deafening explosion shattered the silence of the otherwise peaceful region. Thinking at first that it could be a massive earthquake, he and his fellow townspeople were startled to see a column of smoke rising into the air. This made them think immediately of an airliner collision or a meteorite impact.
As a civilian aviator involved in crop dusting, Galvagno did not hesitate to avail himself of his ultralight biplane to take a closer look at the impact area and check for survivors. The source of the smoke was in a vast, mountainous area known as the Serranía Colorada, and as he approached he was able to see that the pillar of black smoke was sooty and contained metal particles. His flyover was fruitless and he returned home. But far from being a quitter, he renewed his surveys of the collision area for two weeks.

Shortly after the event, according to his story, Mr. Galvagno had meeting with members of the National Gendarmerie, who sternly cautioned him to desist from his research. The warning was also extended to other local residents involved in getting to the bottom of the strange affair. But by now, the Argentinean news media had taken an interest in the matter, and journalists had been dispatched from Buenos Aires to distant Salta to cover the story. No official explanation was ever issued by the authorities and all that remains is a five hundred meter wide, five-kilometer long burn mark. According to a recent statement by Mr. Galvagno, “vegetation never grew in the area again, and it remains cordoned off to this day due to national security reasons,” in the words of both the Gendarmerie and the Argentinean Air Force.

Meteor fragments and military space debris have also found their way to this peaceful and remote part of the world. Southern Bolivia, to the north of Salta, is also remembered for the 1979 crash near the community of Tarija.

Argentina: Speculation about UFOs Over Salta and Perú

Source: Diario Urgente
Date: 11.27.2009

Argentina: Speculation About UFOs Over Salta and Perú: Is First Contact Imminent?

Daily newspapers of the Salta locality of Anta stated that in the early hours of Thursday, witnesess claimed seeing a flying object shaped like a luminous cigar. In Perú, a UFO flotilla showed itself over Lima.

CITY OF BUENOS AIRES (Urgente 24) - Daily newspapers of the Salta locality of Anta stated that in the early hours of Thursday, witnesess claimed seeing a flying object shaped like a luminous cigar.

The publication reports that “the Department of Anta was plunged into darkness in early morning hours yesterday following an interruption of electric power produced at the same time that dozens of witnesses claimed having seen a UFO plowing the skies over Joaquin V. Gonzalez.”

Similar statements were received from the districts of San Nicolas, San Cayetano, Malvinas Argentinas and the downtown area, and witnesses appealed to the news media at noon yesterday, once services had been restored, to provide their version of the events.

Daniel Barboza, director of Radio UNO, told Diario El Tribuno that “the lights went out around two in the morning. The night was hot, cloudy and the lightning bolts threatened to unleash a storm that never came, as only a light drizzle fell. For this reason we initially attributed the power interruption to weather conditions.”

“But today (meaning yesterday morning) residents from all of the districts came to the radio station to tell us about the sighting of a strange craft just at the same time that the electricity and other services were interrupted.”

He further reported that “according to all accounts, the craft was enormous, shaped like a cigar and completely illuminated. Residents claimed that it flew over the power plant area for a few seconds. The fact that people from various points of the city agreed on the description of the UFO attracted our attention, so we commenced our own investigation.”

Barboza added: “At first, we explored the reasons for the power outage, which is unusual in this locality, and rarely happens. if it happens, the power company provides advance notce for residents to take measures. Until today at noon (meaning yesterday), the local branch of the company had no explanation whatsoever. It is necessary to add to this the interruption of other services: water, phone, etcetera.” He further noted: “According to witnesses, the interruption could be due to the action of an electromagnetic field emanating from the craft, and which affected the station. But these are only conjectures.”

Antonio Galvagno, a commercial pilot and a member of the Fundacion Argentina de Ovnilogia (FAO), explained to local media that “according to all accounts, [the sighting] involved a mothership, cigar-type, elongated, completely illuminated by flash-type lights that ranged from white to red, which is unusual in this sort of craft. The UFO was seen in the northern part of the locality, toward El Tunal. What was most curious about the event was that this is the place where the electric utility detected a burned-out turbine, according to the information that was disseminated by the local media.”

UFOs Over Lima

Eight alleged unidentified flying objects (UFOs) were seen in the skies over Lima and were a source of astonishment to dozens of people going about their business in downtown Lima.

According to Peru 21, three luminous objects were involved at first, forming a perfect triangular formation in the sky.

The dots then began to move and multiply, eliminating the possibility that stars or balloons could be involved.

In the end, eight luminous objects formed an octagon in the sky. People stopped to look, raising their heads and looking at the bizarre spectacle in amazement.

(Translation (c) 2009, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO)